It is very important if you think you have termites or if you have found live termites that you do NOT disturb them. Disturbing live termites can then make it difficult to treat.
We carry out an in depth visual termite inspection (included free of charge is our thermal imaging camera) of your property including fenced areas, garden beds, internal and external walls, subfloor (if accessible) and roof (if accessible). We want you to be confident that the inspection that is supplied is given the time and care that it deserves to ensure one of your biggest assets is in the safest hands.
Termite inspections starting from $175
Call us 0455274311 to book an inspection!
Although our team offers professional termite inspections, if termites are discovered at your home, we will create an extermination program that will exterminate them quickly and effectively before any further damage occur
Whether we discover termites at your property or not, our termite inspection specialist can offer a prevention program that will prevent any exposure to termites at your home. Our termite prevention program is tailor made and we only recommend what is going to work for you and your home.